Monday, March 10, 2008


March 9, 2008

Today we met at the Rapidan Wilderness area in Madison County. It took me two hours and 15 minutes to find the location mostly due to a bridge outage that detoured my attempt to arrive on time at 2 o'clock. Oh well.

Brain/Jarod and Ronnie/Saibra were there as well as Jennifer and Shayna, Brian's daughter. Shayna is considering getting a dog if her mother will let her. I take it Pam is not too keen on the idea. I understand her concern. It's a huge responsibility, but if Shayna can handle it, I think it would be a great experience for her. High school does have its time constraints.

We worked Tucker on some more puppy walks today. He seemed to respond more quickly and really enjoy meeting "the fun people in the woods." Check out the video.

This is Saibra at work. She is only one test shy of her certification as a wilderness search dog. Way to go Ronnie!

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